Bagi kebanyakan orang , individu yang memiliki kekayaan dalam jumlah melimpah bisa melakukan apa saja yang dia mau. Sebagian orang berpendapat bahwa orang kaya bahkan bisa lolos dari jerat hukum, hanya dengan membayar sejumlah duit kepada institusi tersebut. Pemikiran seperti itu sudah lama tertanam di benak seju,lah orang, sedangkan fakta lain menyebut bahwa orang kaya […]
Continue Reading7 Important things to note in the Stamp Duty Bill
The bill on stamp duty is about to be passed, while the contents of the bill have made many policy adjustments regarding Stamp Duty compared to the previous law which has been in effect for 34 years. This was done in order to adjust the policy for imposing Stamp Duty with the economic, social, legal […]
Continue ReadingTypes of Land Rights in Indonesia
On the basis of the right to control from the state, it is determined that there are various rights over the surface of the earth, which are called land, which can be given to and owned by people, either alone or together with other people as well as legal entities. Based on article 16 of […]
Continue ReadingEverything You Ought To Know About Personal Injury Law
A lawyer that deals with personal injury assists people looking to get justice from the one who caused their injury. A lawyer who specializes in this area is in constant contact with insurers and other involved parties. The following tips will help you deal with personal injury lawyers, as well as personal injury laws as […]
Continue ReadingDifference between MoU and Agreement
In the business world, we often hear the term Memorandum Of Understanding or abbreviated as MOU. Usually this MOU is used as a prelude before the actual agreement is made, so what is the difference between an MOU and an agreement? The MOU or Memorandum of Understanding is a document that is used as a […]
Continue ReadingHow To Go About Getting A Wonderful Lawyer
No one enjoys going to court. Unfortunately, it is something that many people have to go through at least once in their lives. Sometimes, court involves lawyers. Whether you like them or hate them, lawyers can make a significant influence in a court’s decision. Because of this, you want to ensure that this influence is […]
Continue ReadingDon’t Think A Personal Injury Cannot Be Taken Care Of!
When you suffer from a personal injury, you may not be thinking about the law. Instead, you may be focused on how to get better. While that is fine, you should also understand how personal injury law works so you are well prepared for what is to come. This article will give you the important […]
Continue ReadingSyarat sahnya Perjanjian Yang Wajib diketahui
Mendengar kata “perjanjian” mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi ditelinga kita semua, hampir di setiap transaksi, baik itu transaksi jual beli, transaksi sewa menyewa atau bahkan dalam hal kerja sama sekalipun pasti membutuhkan perjanjian. Akan tetapi tidak dapat dibuat sembarangan , terdapat syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar yang dibuat dapat sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku dan […]
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